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  • New Game

  • Game Created!


    Practice while you wait ;)

    If no joins, you may cancel your game
    in 10 minutes

  • Waiting...

    Please wait for your opponent & game validation

    If your opponent defaults, you may claim a win when the timer is up.


Nineblox: Tutorial


Token Economics

Token Info

Total Supply: 99,000,000
Reserved for support of future development: 9,900,000 (10%)
Distributed Total Supply: 89,100,000 (90%)
Airdrop: 900,000
Gameplay-mineable: 88,200,000


More information coming soon.


More information coming soon.


Q: I've played the game and submitted my final transaction, but the other player is taking forever to finish!
A: You may submit a claim to Win by Default after 24 hours from the time the game started. That means that after 24 hours, you can win! (Note: the 24 hour time limit may change in the future)

Q: I've run out of CPU, I can't finish the game!
A: You still have 24 hours to finish the game! You can wait before trying again, or you may try getting some extra CPU by using CPU Emergency. NOTE/WARNING: If you do not finish the game within 24 hours, your opponent may win by match default. Players who default will not get tokens for playing.

Q: No one is joining my game, now what?
A: This is the perfect time to get a referral! Send your game link out and get someone to join it.
Alternatively, you may cancel your game 20 minutes after it has been created (this time limit may change in the future). Just be sure to check back within 24 hours in order to avoid defaulting, in case someone has joined and played!

Before You Start

Installing Scatter

Playing Nineblox requires Scatter, an EOS wallet that manages your funds, and the blockchain transactions that power Nineblox. Get Scatter Here.

Logging In

Once you have installed and started Scatter and added your EOS account, you are ready to log into Nineblox. We recommend you refresh this page if you have just started Scatter for the first time. To log in, click the blue Scatter logo in the top left, then confirm the account you wish to use in the Scatter dialogue that pops up.

Once logged in, you should see new information about your account in the top left, including your account name, CPU usage, EOS balance, and Nineblox token balance.


First-time Nineblox users will need to run the Signup function. This function will run automatically the first time you play a game. This function reserves RAM for player statistics and token balances. This function will only need to be run once -- after this, each game only requires two transactions!

How to Play


Keyboard arrows, or WASD may be used:
Up/W - Rotate piece
Left/A - Slide piece left
Right/D - Slide piece left
Down/S - Drop piece

Nineblox is a zero-gravity game, when a piece drops, it drops immediately. Players will not be able to rotate the piece once it is dropped.

Creating a Game

To create a game, select “New Game” from the Starting Page, then set your wager. If you’re confident in your skills you can wager as much as you want (as your EOS balance allows)!

Once your wager is set, select "Go!". Scatter will pop up with a dialogue asking to approve the transfer. Approve the transfer in order for your game to be created. Once a game is created, you can wait for someone to join or send the game link to a friend who can instantly join your game.

While you wait, you can try practice mode. If someone joins your game while in practice mode, you will automatically exit practice mode to play the game. We recommend you try practice mode if this is your first time playing!

NOTE/WARNING: Once you start a game, Nineblox recommends you do not switch browsers. Nineblox uses your browser's Local Storage to store and keep track of game state, including your secret player hash, which is game specific and should not change mid-game (or else the game will not validate, and will be treated as a defaulted match).

Joining a Game

Games may be joined by selecting "Join Game" from the start page, or scroll down and select "Browse Games" to view the list of joinable games.

Just like creating a game, joining a game requires approving the transfer function using Scatter.

NOTE/WARNING: Once you start a game, Nineblox recommends you do not switch browsers. Nineblox uses your browser's Local Storage to store and keep track of game state, including your secret player hash, which is game specific and should not change mid-game (or else the game will not validate, and will be treated as a defaulted match).

Completing a Game

A game is complete once both players have run out of pieces. When you run out of pieces, Scatter will automatically ask to run a final function. This function is used to submit your final score and move hashes for validation by the Nineblox contract.

Once both players finish a game (have submitted their final transactions), it takes a few seconds (usually under a minute) for the Nineblox Oracle to run the contract validation and payout function. Once this has completed, you will be taken back to the start page. When this happens, you're ready for another game!

Cancelling a Game

After some time (20 minutes, at the time of writing), if no one has joined your game, you may safely cancel the game. If you are in practice mode, refresh the page to get to the game waiting dialogue. You may cancel the game by selecting "Cancel Match", and approving the cancel function with Scatter. NOTE that cancelled games will be 95% refunded (or 5% kept by the contract).